mandag den 13. december 2010

Nor Pepe Reina or Fernando Torres will leave Liverpool FC

Despite seeing Liverpool FC in the midle of the table, and with a hirrofic awayform, Kenny Dalglish is surden that nor Pepe Reina or Fernando Torres will leave.

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But if they do not leave, who will?

It is hard to say if the Liverpool squad is to wide or to narrow, the manager seams to change his mind from week to week. But if you ask me, it all comes down to quality. And I think we have much quality in the squad. Players like Daniel Agger, Jamie Carragher, Glen Johnson, Raul Meirelles, Steven Gerrard, Dirk Kuyt, Joe Cole, Fernando Torres, just to meantion a few.

If Liverpool does not qualify for Europe, there is no doubt that many players will want to leave. But is this not unfair, is it not the same players  who are letting the team down each week?

You can argue they do, but you have to go to the root of the problem. And the problem is, in my humble opinion, that the manager has no project. It seams that Roy Hodgson does not plan ahead. He has changed the setup of the team, from a 4-5-1, - 4-3-3 to 4-4-2, from a direct styles with long balls, to a passing style of play. No wonder the playsers does not perform. They have no basic style of play, a basic gameplan, that tells them, that if nothing else works, this is what we do.

look at top 4 this season. They have all had their problems, and people argue that they have been lucky. I would rather argue, that when their gameplan does not work, they still have their basic gameplan, and that allows the to pursuit the luck.

So Roy Hodgson, get it sorted. Get that basis gameplan formulated, so the players know the direction. If they dont want to go that direction, tell them to get of the bus.

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