mandag den 13. december 2010

Roy Hodgson ignores the board

Before the Newcastle game, Roy Hodgson claimed that the recent omprovement of Liverpool FC is a direct result of tha fact, that he ignores the boards request to sell players this summer.

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Now i am getting confussed, are these the same players that he claimed were part of a Rafa benitez setup who had not the quality to play for Liverpool FC. The same players he critisized in the beginning of the season, when we strugled against relegation.

It seams that Roy Hodgson´s quotes, much like the performance of his team, swings all the way from left ti right and night and day.

It is clear to me, that all RH tries to do, is to streghten his position in the club, indirectly claiming that he works wonders in a mess left by the previosly owners, Rafa Benitez and other socalled experts.

All is see, is a massive club in decline.

Now all the Liverpool supportes actually want´s to se RH succed, because we really want the best for Liverpool FC. But to be honest, i don´t see it happening under RH, and I am not sure that anyone actually believes it.

So here is the plan. Sack Roy Hodgson, thank him for his time at Liverpool, and appoint Kenny Dalglish as manager until this summer.

In the meantime, use the time to define the Liverpool FC project; what style of play do we want, the strategy on the transfer market, the strategy for the academy and so on, and of course, very importantly, what kind of manager do we want to carry out the project.

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