tirsdag den 14. december 2010

Sell five Liverpool players and swoop for one french striker?

Yesterday i wrote about Roy Hodgson talking about how he had ignored the board this summer, and that was why the results were improving (improving only in Roy Hodgson´s mind)

Today new Director of football strategy Damien Comolli instrucs Roy Hodgson to get rid of 5 to swoop for on. It appears that there is a disagreement about the width of the squad. Roy Hodgson has told the press that it is to narrow, but Damien Comolli seemingly thinks that it is the other way around.

Rumour has it, that the five players are; Ryan Babel, Glen Johnson, Daniel Agger, Fabio Aurelio and Joe Cole.

The player they want is french striker Sylvain Marveaux, who is a free agent this coming summer.

I must admit that I dont know much about the Sylvain Marveaux, but in my mind Joe Cole, Daniel Agger and Glen Johnson are class players that shouldent leave. One could argue that Agger is injured to much, and therefore should be sold, but his injurie is much like the ones Steven Gerrard used to have, so I think that if he is given the rest he need´s and stregthens his back, he will be a very good player for Liverpool. I se no need to sell Glen Johnson, baring in mind that he is english (new rules for home grown players) and he is one of the best in England in this position. (also we have no one else in the squad, so we would have to buy a new right back). And Joe Cole, to be honest he havent been performing well, but everybody knows what he is capable of, so give him time, let him get fit, and he would be a great player for Liverpool.

In regard to Ryan Babel, it is probely time to move on. I like the lad, and think that he has the talent, but if the manager havent got the confidence in him (and Rafa Benitez begfore RH) it is probely time to move on.

Fabio Aurellio shouldent have been brought back. We had Insua and should have keept him.

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Im my opinion, you probely could find 5 players to get rid of, but Joe Cole, Daniel Agger and Glen Joohnson shouldent be among these.

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